An Introduction to Reframing While Going Sober

An Introduction to Reframing

reframing women going sober

Welcome new subscribers!

I’m thrilled that you’ve chosen to join this self-improvement journey. My name is Boadi Moore and I’m happy to be your guide on a personal and meaningful quest.

When I decided to go alcohol-free, I knew I needed to reinvent myself, so I made several significant life changes at the time. For me, this was a step in reframing the way I thought about myself, others, and the world so that I could heal. I believe a similar approach can work for others, which is why I’m sharing this information with women who have the desire to make a real transformation.

The “reframing” approach is something that I’ll discuss more in future newsletters.

I believe that anyone can find the information about reframing relatable and helpful, but my goal is to specifically reach a female audience between the ages of 30 and 70 (Gen Zers to Baby Boomers). Because I am a woman and can speak from this perspective, I’ve designed my research and writing around this. I feel, though, that any living person can learn to become sober and heal by using the reframing process that I’ve found imperative while on my journey.

If you’re reading this, you may be new to the world of sobriety or just starting to consider the idea of becoming sober, so please know that I plan to share information with you monthly to help you find opportunities to easily incorporate the reframing process into your life.

You are never alone when you have a supportive community of women with similar goals. There are many helpful minds on this journey with you (including me!) and we can find ways to feel connected and loved.

Who Am I?

I am many things—I am a mother, nanny, author, and speaker. In 2019, I left a toxic four-decade-long marriage and found the authentic person I needed to be. Today, I dedicate my time to helping other women find their paths while still navigating my own.

I get joy from seeing other women succeed and I feel that it’s my mission in life to continue guiding others in transforming themselves if they feel stuck or burdened—specifically from struggles with sobriety. I continue to work on reframing my perspective each day so that I can get the most out of life.

In 2001, I started a women’s hormonal health advisory network blog on bioidentical hormones. This sparked my passion for writing so that I could reach and help others. I continued writing weekly newsletters for 15 years up until my marriage ended.

I encountered amazing women along the way and found their stories powerful and enlightening. My blog grew to an international subscription base of over 10,000 followers, even before social media. It was a combination of the voices of medical professionals and the personal stories of real women that proved to be a valuable asset to subscribers’ lives, and I’m forever grateful that these individuals were willing to share their knowledge with others.

The World of “Sisterhood”

image of three women talking and laughing as a group

Because I believe that, regardless of age, we all could use a little help when it comes to self-improvement, I invite you into this space of “sisterhood” so that we can learn from each other.

My book, Women Going Sober: An Empowerment Guide for Women Going Alcohol-Free and Embracing Being a Non-Drinker, is an opportunity for female voices to unite so that their journey can be celebrated. This is the first book in “The Sisterhood Series,” and one that contains strong female perspectives of women who are finding their way on the path to sobriety.

These accompanying newsletters will also contain strong female voices and will help unlock a relationship with like-minded individuals on this sober path.

No one is perfect, and as a community of women, when we find ways of building each other up instead of tearing each other down—we all win. As a subscriber, you’ll not only learn about ways to help yourself on this path to healing but also hear the stories of others like you who have struggled and found success by reframing their approach.

Enjoying the Ride

Becoming sober and learning to maintain sobriety is not always a walk in the park. If you’ve tried methods of becoming sober in the past, you know that it takes time and effort to make lifestyle changes that will stick. This is why, in the forthcoming newsletters, you’ll learn ways to make small, meaningful changes while educating yourself about the best methods to help you.

We can reset any old or outdated perceptions we may have about becoming sober but, to do this, we need to start listening to our inner voice and learning from each other. This is the true idea behind sisterhood.

By listening to and inspiring other women, we can better approach our journey together and find happiness in sharing our stories with others.

Final Thoughts: Make This Journey Your Own

close-up image of two coffee cups on a table

My monthly newsletter will feature an inspiring story as well as address one or two questions from readers. As a subscriber, I invite you to submit your stories and any questions you may have along the way. These can remain anonymous if you wish, as some narratives may be painful.

Please feel free to share your story when you are comfortable doing so and, along the way, I will be sharing my anecdotes with you. One of the major ways we learn from each other is through communication about the challenges and successes that we face in life.

Remember to make this journey special to you. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in each month as you read and reflect on my letter to you. I look forward to getting to know you along the way. If there is someone in your “sisterhood circle” who you feel could benefit from the information offered in my monthly newsletters, please share this information with them:

If you’re reading this post and you have NOT yet subscribed to my monthly newsletter, you can join here. Don’t miss out!

A (non-alcoholic) cheers to you for taking the first steps!

With Much Love,

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image of author Boadi Moore
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